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  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... "SonoMorphis" represents the attempt to creatively apply the results of our studies in...
  • Soundcities -
    ... allows the audience as creative user the possibility to remix the...
  • Stockspace -
    ... code as a way of producing new forms of creative expression. Computational strategies...
  • ... Creativity – both using the computer as a creative tool, as well as articulating the future of...
  • ... at Thanks to an AHRC creative fellowship and Goldsmiths digital studios...
  • ... new form of digital poetics. TBT offers a creative, experimental, joyful and critical way of...
  • ... by a collaborative team of artists, creative technologists, and students. It is an...
  • ... the feminine creatrix. The first female creative act that pertains to the cyborg took...
  • The Dump - recyclage d’idées est une sorte de laboratoires d’idées artistiques. Les artistes ont été encouragés à prolonger les concepts d’un autre artiste, à utiliser les concepts entreposés sur le blog de Maurice Benayoun. Au lieu de recettes
  • ... one thousand computers in the School of Creative Media's labs, offices, and classrooms. ...