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  • ... in contact with each other, and further included humans in this interaction as a means of...
  • Cityscapes
    ... software and geographical locating services in a wiki framework, which enables...
  • ... students to straightforward information services about activities in the building. At its... Net.Art Browser (1999), a motorised 110-inch plasma-screen TV is mounted on rails so that...
  • ... mostly for pragmatic reasons (the inclusion of these languages probably would have...
  • ... The works of epidemiC, for example—which include AntiMafia, a Windows-based program for the...
  • CodeZebra -
    ... and groups on the Internet. Applications include performances, video documentaries; dance...
  • Coexistence -
    ... and virtual reality. This work includes innovative approaches to interaction,...
  • Coleoptera - video
    ... environment. Programming language usually include commands (functions) and variables. In...
  • ... complement the virtual environment. Since 2008, Ruth Schnell has developed a series of...
  • Concentricity -
    ... suddenly a jolt hits you? You notice an incredible wealth of details! Something you...