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  • Bodytext
    ... and granular audio synthesis. The acquired speech, a description of an imagined dance, is re-written through projected digital display and sound synthesis, the performer causing texts to interact and recombine with one another through their subsequent...
  • ... Media and Nanjing University Art Institute tracking the obstacles in mediated communication. During the first decades of digital computing and networking, the emphasis was put on the potential of the “information highways”. Everything was conceived on...
  • bottlogues -
    ... that weaves itself into the fabric of everyday life. Seamless extension of physical affordances and metaphors into the digital domain is a key principle for the design. The "bottlogues" piece explores narrative contents for our bottles. A set of three...
  • ... for instance, the object and its value. This relationship does not exist anymore since the introduction of the immaterial digital. Today, we do not stand in a factory; we do not live in a world made only of solid objects. All products have a life starting...
  • ... an acute question about the relation between thought and matter, work and art, assessment and control, as keys in our new digitally enhanced power over the physical world. The project narrates a new relationship between humans and machine. It raises...
  • ... an acute question about the relation between thought and matter, work and art, assessment and control, as keys in our newly digitally enhanced power on the physical world. The project narrates a new relationship between humans and machine. It raises...
  • Bubble Order - 5min. 30sec. A stream of water recorded from two different camera angles becomes a cross on the screen. The movement of texts and digital wipe patterns in horizontal/vertical axis are coupled with the harmonic frequencies of a computer generated soundtrack. ...
  • bubbles -
    ... icon in its own right - which is being used as an analog 'interfacing device' to interact with a completely digital world of its own, the simulated objects on a projection screen. The data projector, the spectator's body, and the screen...
  • Burnish -
    ... contained in a mini-pavillion, while others can observe through eye pieces in the walls of the pavillion. Integrating music, digital technology, poetic text, art objects, and singing the artist attempts to maintain a deeply authentic process that is altered...
  • Cadence -
    ... Through refinement of a hybrid direct animation practice that upcycles unwanted or discarded celluloid film to create 4K digital films, the authors take the everyday and make it extraordinary, engaging with and becoming attuned to nondescript,...