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  • Cityscapes
    ... a common ground where people can share their experiences of the... for the Internet has combined user participation, databases, and a...
  • ClearBoard -
    ... of attention. A ClearBoard user can tell which screen objects the... is to allow a pair of users to shift easily between...
  • ... surrounding the user, who can thus experience a panorama of his... ... PanoramaLab. The project lets users experience Web-based information...
  • ... is mounted on rails so that it can move up and down diagonally over a... wall in the foyer. Visitors may use a touch screen interface to...
  • ... of code from which they can launch the front end of the... of software art, commonly used for artist-written software, is a...
  • ... who would have been obvious candidates for this project were not... the Tate website's layout, logos, and design, to tell a... individual way (similar to the use of natural language that, despite a...
  • Coleoptera - video
    ... terrains. The colorful insects can be added freely to the terrain... is principaly addressed to young children aged 6 to 12 who are...
  • ... spots anchored in the digital scan of the real space complement the... on autonomous weapon systems. Users move freely within the exhibition...
  • ComTouch -
    ... interpersonal communication by use of haptic technology. Audio and...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... mannequin; this figure can be handled by the viewers to... three walls and the floor. The user interface is a near life-size...