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  • Conclusive Evidence -
    ... shores of Marseilles and of Vladivostok. The... Marseille, France, carte blanche by Alexandra...
  • Connection -
    ... front window of the Cartier Foundation, Boulevard...
  • ... personales. Tomando como centro el objeto, la... medida conservan las características básicas de la...
  • ... vibrations and sounds produced from... animal characters carrying various drinks. If...
  • ...onvergence / DivergenceArtist: Andres ColubriComment:
  • ... do surrealismo de Andre Breton, configurando o... as situações de enfrentamento entre controle e...
  • Crave - video
    ...I participated in the design and implementation of the live...
  • ...CROSS AND PLANE TO SPACE 2017, stereoscopic 3D animation, HD... other. Given the current victory of virtual...
  • ... With thousands of meters of nylon threat... via inconspicuous Carrier Hotels, Crystal Math...
  • Curating Second Night -
    ... both on Second Life and at Hôtel d’Albret,...