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  • Living Tattoos -
    ... in a social network platform that enables people to produce contents by customizing their own pages with texts, images and videos. Members of the community can also exchange ideas, post testimonials and plan social gatherings through the communication...
  • Virtual Book -
    ... often a team process? How can sketches, discarded and unfinished thoughts, calculations and codes, texts, images, sounds and videos be documented in one formal structure? Google Books are awesome. One can read old and rare books online. But Google Books...
  • Media Art Learning -
    ... erklären beispielsweise, wie man in der Schule eine interaktive Bühne installieren und nutzen kann, wie SchülerInnen Videoclips oder Animationen produzieren, wie aus Abfallmaterialien „lebendige” Wesen werden und wie neue Medien im Musikunterricht als...