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  • ... represents an explosive capsule that on the one hand has... seed varieties to appropriate millennial indigenous...
  • make-A-move -
    ... the work with her apprehension about privacy and...
  • ... the work with her apprehension of (and about)...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... is the result of motion capture and behaviors written in... the computer program executing the animation. Visitors... image,” an image that appears to also have self-awareness...
  • me & u -
    ... result of digital image capture & manipulation, physical...
  • ... 200 15-minute videos captured in special events... number of my interlocutors also had an accent and came... piece were selected from approximately 200 15-minute...
  • 24hour Social -
    ... Man with a Movie Camera, capturing the unfolding day... video sharing platform, appropriating two full days of...
  • EVE
    ... era, processes, and appearances vs....
  • Geode - video
    ... that fuses soundscape, public art and visual... from a distance to approach the glowing formation in...
  • Bodygraphe -
    ...phe is an interactive, visual music application that unifies gestural...