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  • REFLEXION - In Sync / Out of Sync - is a real-time light and sound installation consisting of electroluminescent (EL) wires and octophonic (8.2) sound. The main concept is based on research showing that our heartbeats can be synchronised by
    Inspired by the composite plant of lichen (from Greek: leikhen), which is the result of a hybrid partnership between a fungus and an alga. The installation is therefore a reflection upon the interaction and mutualistic relationship between two
    MINDSCAPE is a metaphor of what we are becoming in this digital era. Like most people nowadays, the performer appears isolated and hooked up with a computer, his/her body connected to and surrounded by light wires, creating a distance between the
  • video 5,06' The round-shaped form in the process of constant transformation is based on the idea of simulating life at the molecular level. The structure, which periodically resembles a virus structure, complex proteins or carbon fullerenes, is
    Plexiglass, resin or light reflection, light projection, reflective foil variable dimensions 'Uršula Berlot’s work develops out of the evanescence of perception, predominantly delving into the realm of optics. Reflections and shadows produce
  • Kinetic light installation reflective foil, artificial resin, rotating motor, lights, plexiglass, light reflections variable dimensions A transparent picture is suspended on a rotating engine installed on the ceiling and is illuminated by two
  • SKIN - video
    SKIN is an interactive installation, in which visitors have the opportunity to use a GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) interface, which measures their skin's moisture. The variations of these values are an indication of psychological or physiological
  • I was invited to do a site specific installation in Travana, Slovakia. The gallery was an abandoned synagogue. I shot a video in Tranava and developed a series of street signs in the style of normal street signs. They presented short poetic lines
  • An Engine of Many Senses is a generative computational work exploring the history and potential future of the computer. It includes a series of media elements that combine and recombine over time -- 3d images, 2d stills, generative audio, generative
  • Overview The Work "Navigating and Negotiating Sound Architectures of the Night" is a major evocative multi-media black box theatre work. Its hybrid form includes 3d architectonic models that are both virtual and physical; digital video; a generative