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  • Lilliput 1.0 -
    ... wallpapers that can be downloaded by cell phone via internet....
  • ... What is true, what is illusion? How quick is the brain to adapt itself?... above all for her pioneering videopieces and her complex multi media...
  • glass era -
    Videoinstallation; 3 channels, 3 projections Ed. 2/4 3 Screens ea 225 x 300 cm
  • ...ctive installation with a digital mirror (videocamera + retro-projected screen...
  • Paris VideoPlan -
    ...Paris VideoPlan was commissioned by the RATP (Paris Metro) to map the Madeleine...
  • ...acadabra, 1985 - Videotext animated poem shown in 1985 in the group exhibition... Reabracadabra, 1985 - Videotext animated poem shown in 1985 in the group...
  • Tesão -
    Videotext (minitel) animated poem shown online in the group exhibition Brazil... Videotext (minitel) animated poem shown online in the group exhibition Brazil...
  • Recaos -
    ... against the default mode of the videotex medium, which refreshed pages...
  • ... with optics engineer Joseph Howard between 2003 - 2005. (source:...
  • D/eu/s -
    ... and uploaded to the Brazilian videotex network.