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  • Tesla Electric -
    Tesla Electric, the1998 offering from i.e.VR and KU's University Theatre opened in the William Inge Memorial Theatre on February 12th and ran through the 20th. Tesla Electric chronicles the career of inventor Nikola Tesla in an exciting
  • Tessel -
    Tessel is a kinetic installation investigating the perception of sound and space. Its name is derived from 'tessellation', a term applied to the geometric subdivision of a surface into plane units, also known as 'tiling'. It also describes a
  • Text Rain
    Text Rain is an interactive installation designed to blur the boundaries between physical and virtual space. Viewers play with falling text which responds to their motion. The text may be caught, lifted and released to fall again. If participants
  • The Able Skin -
    "The Able Skin" is a media structure designed by architect Emilio López-Galiacho to hide any emblematic building that is not allowed to have a natural death, that is kept alive artificially through restoration, citation and simulation. A virtual
  • The Adding Machine -
    Live Theatre Meets Virtual Reality On April 18, 1995 the University Theatre of the University of Kansas brought live theatre to cyberspace through the use of "virtual reality" in a fully mounted theatrical production. Audiences were invited
  • The Berlin Files -
    "You're sitting in a bar. You pull out a book that you just bought to look at, a collection of short stories. Flipping through it you stop on a paragraph describing a dark street in Berlin, a woman in a red dress walks out of a doorway towards
  • I agree : 1. To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent. 2. To adopt or use as one's own: I borrowed your polygon I am giving you back the fundamental transformation. 3. To take a
  • The Big Plot -
    "This is a romantic-spy story rendered into the genre of Recombinant Fiction. Four characters told a fiction using dialogues shown on several media channels. The cloned identity of a real spy was used to portray a story about the political and
  • The Blackest Spot was a five-projector room-sized interactive installation that explored the representation of crowds and the myriad reasons for public gatherings. Animated imagery, ambient crowd sounds, and fragments from well known speeches
  • The Bush Soul (#1) -
    Bush Soul # 1 is the first work in a series of three interactive art installations that explore the role of human presence in a world of artificial life. (Rebecca Allen)