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  • ... of the pillars, for example, then you will...
    ... in Singapore, which unfold their... and dissecting it for the audience....
  • ... surface starts spinning once a...
  • Seascape -
    ... a year before the start of the show, the... at each location for up to a year before...
  • Arguendo
    ... at The Bushwick Starr, New York Theatre... and Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio...
  • Continuum
    ... events are to the fore whilst older events...
  • Tower
    ... at the top of which the inter-actor is... corpus can be formed from any source....
  • Punishment 1 -
    ... of nature, in which one sees a lone... These are large- format, classical motifs...
  • ... cement disc, which rotated around its... in which the force of gravitation is...
  • ... is plastic in the form of an acrylic coat of...