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    ... time structure which appears to accelerate and...
  • ... which depict biological forms and their reactive...
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    ... of headphones. Once comfortable, the participant is... program lasting approximately 5 minutes. The...
  • M2 video
    ... Here, while they await for their number to be announced,... sound and video appratuses, revealed by the...
  • n-Polytope -
    ... at LABoral’s Plataforma 0. Centro de Producción since... of nature (rivers, clouds, waves and cosmological... architectures that appear, flicker and disappear...
  • ... the US premiere of “Emotion Forecast” and “Occupy Wall...
  • ... projects were using, for each end of the Tunnel, tens... discovery engines and applications based on serendipity...
  • ... each other in a form of info-civil-war of... the activity of wiretapping the Internet to identify...
  • ... will remain forever. Street Ghosts reveals... on the wall where they appear in Google’s Street View...
  • ... e of social networking, former friends and acquaintances... techniques can be app lied to group vast amount of...