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  • ... conceived as linear analog forms that once beeing digitized become...
  • ... y las múltiples otras formas en las cuales nuestro cerebro es...
  • Blowup
    ...Blowup is an interactive performance environment, designed for choreographed...
  • Tower
    ... The initial corpus can be formed from any source. For its...
  • Punishment 1 -
    ... lakes. These are large- format, classical motifs of nature, in...
  • ... who developed a unique sand formwork process combined with a...
  • ... Source: art with some quite surreal forms of science (nanotechnology,...
  • ... Source: with a major impact on cloud formation, crucial to weather and...
  • ... of commercial pseudo-informative super flashy waste of time-...
  • ... of new media that uses the very forms of new media (in this case,...