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  • Media Bombs -
    From a master missile installed in the center of space, 36 Media Bombs drop out. A crystal TV is embedded in each of the bombs, and the monitors broadcast programs of stock information from all over the world. The programs, each broadcast from a
  • ... 1) a protective plastic capsule; 2) class 1 clean air: 3) computer chips, used as a metaphor for information; 4) germicidal...
  • This piece is contained inside of a "Biohazrd Tent", or isolation chamber. Inside of the tent are several I.V. drip bags for blood transfusions, delivery of drugs etc. Inside of each I.V. drip bag is a surgical glove which has been fitted with
  • The Book after the Book is a hypertextual and visual essay about cyberliterature and the net_reading/writing_condition. Its main focus is non-linear narratives, which reconfigure the literature/book relationship starting from the very notion of
  • Content = No Cache -
    ...Content = No CacheArtist: Giselle BeiguelmanComment:
  • wordotcomnodot -
    ... uma antologia da literatura criada para a Internet, um guia comentado de sites sobre a criação e o desenvolvimento de conteúdos...
  • Recycled -
    ...RecycledArtist: Giselle BeiguelmanComment:
  • ... the Web as an adendum of the screen or an epiphenomena of the computer. The discussion takes place in an image warping program_...
  • did you read the east -
    ... that linked an electronic billboard of São Paulo with any computer connected to the Web. Participants could choose an image...
  • egoscope -
    ... to send, through the egoscope web site, on-line sites to two commercial electronic billboards (180 ft2 each) located in a busy...