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  • PerformanceInsideOut was a 3hour non-stop physical and virtual performance event with 9 live and beyond performances. Remix, new media, nodes, antiestablishment, micro, underground, multi, rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this event. The
  • Computer Identity -
    Computer Identity was an interactive digital internet-based artwork that was created by Beatriz Albuquerque in 2003-2005 ( It was 1st presented to audiences in 2005 at BaseSpace, Chicago, The School of the
  • Activism -
    ACTivism was a computer videogame created by Beatriz Albuquerque in 2005-2007, exploring activist key words that functioned in the audience as a way to remember, transform persons that read them and further contemplate afterwards. With
  • An interactive video and audio installation, which was performed at 5Pointz Art Center in Long Island City, NYC. Video clips are mixed and projected onto a screen, triggered by to the surrounding sound levels, becoming strongest when the subway
  • The work depicts gene editing technology CRISPR which has the potential to treat genetically caused diseases, for instance, autism. The PHSCologram sculpture shows different phases of CRISPR genome editing. The first panel shows Cas9 protein in
  • The PHSCologram is a homage to 'Have a Nice Day' produced in 2002 by Ellen Sandor in collaboration with Martyl Langsdorf’ the author of Doomsday Clock, originally designed for the cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists magazine in 1947. The
  • The PHSCologram depicts the first computer-generated illustration of the AIDS virus, as known in 1987 when HIV infection was causing millions of deaths around the world. The image represents a colorized CAT scan of a person called Messiah who passed
  • Silhouettes *Iconique* (LICHTPHON / IKONEN 1) Video-Music-Sound-Art-Vision SCHAHRAM POURSOUDMAND Music- & Sound Artist I Composer I Visual Imagist I Poet Format: 16:9/HD Audio: Stereo Length: 9:59 Min. Year: 2019 LICHTPHON is the sound- and
  • In Giulia Bowinkel & Friedemann Banz series of ”body paintings”, the body becomes the shaping pulse. Recordings of body movements in space are coupled with fluid simulations. The generated forms follow the movement of people, translating physical
  • With the use of augmented reality Banz & Bowinkel localize AI - controlled avatars on specifically designed areas within the gallery. The avatars have been developed by Banz & Bowinkel in cooperation with HTW Berlin and act out simulated