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  • Taken -
    "Taken" is a surveillance installation that provides two readings of the activities in the gallery space. A large gallery space has one wall taken up by two very large projections. On the left hand side, gallery visitors are extracted from the
  • This project is developing new means for querying relational databases and live datastreams through the manipulation of physical objects. Parameterized query fragments are embodied as physical tokens ("parameter wheels"). These tokens are
  • The Tangible Video Browser provides a tactile and efficient interface for viewing digital videos. Tokens act as both containers for a set of videos and controllers for selecting a video and navigating within the video. Placing a token on the
  • "Tao-interazione" is based on the dynamical interaction between the observer and a multivision system, in which counteracting couples of images and musical compositions are presented. The observer-listener could navigate by walking on the
  • Motorised measuring tapes, kinect tracking systems, computers, cameras, thermal printer, custom-made hardware and software dimensions variable Rows of motorised measuring tapes record the amount of time that visitors stay in the installation. As a
  • Surveillance technology, robotics and computers all feature in the work of Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. As you enter the exhibition space, overhead cameras track your movements, triggering a reaction -- in one room rows of white
  • Tattoo -
    Video installation Series 'Bags' A variable number of paper bags form a rosette shape on the floor. From the top, pictures of tattoo motifs are projected onto the bags. The projection body seemingly becomes the surface of a human body.
  • "Thinking about gesture in art, people usually refer to choreography. If the topic is related to IT, instead, usability becomes the issue. But, what about gesture in computer art? Does it mean natural interaction or is it just a matter of
  • The Teacup Tools are an array of cybernetic teacups, adapting themselves to the realm of climate related sciences.They appear as a multifunctional tool for the investigation of tiny micro clouds above tea, for communication and for tea drinking.
  • As you approach this piece a sensor turns a light on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex worms which are the stars of this piece demonstrate a form of supra organization in which these single tubefex worms