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  • Stockspace -
    Generator.x is a curatorial platform exploring the use of generative strategies and software processes in digital art, architecture and design. It focuses on a new generation of artists and designers who embrace code as a way of producing new forms
  • Arcs21 -
    Continuing in the tradition of free online distribution of netart in the 90s, Arcs21 offers the user the possibilities of research, playing and co-creation: browserspace is translated into a realtime artwork which is freely available over the
  • Audience -
    In February 2010, rAndom went to the US to install the first copy of the Audience edition for a private collection. The installation is laid out on a long stretch of a custom designed plywood floor. For the first time it was possible to install it
  • Flight Patterns -
    ... Science Foundation’s first place...
  • News/Reel
    ... residency undertaken at the Media...
  • gameboy_ultraf_uk -
    ... into background and interface...
  • Typically, the cells have no windows. Lights are controlled by guards who may leave them on night and day. For exercise there is usually only a room with high concrete walls and a chin-up bar. Showers may be limited to three per week for not more
  • etoy -
    1994-1999 etoy.CORPORATION 1999-2005 etoy.holding etoy was the first streetgang on the internet, a glamourous boygroup consisting of designers, architects, popstars, marketing agents and systems engineers/coders with a strong corporate identity
  • ... and, under them, the...
  • Text Trends -
    ... users around the world. Pairs of...