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  • zgodlocator -
    ... long-term storage of text or images. Zgodlocator has a dynamic...
  • The Imaginary Hotel -
    ... rooms turn into a personal hideaway for a certain period of time. A... which collected personal images from their hard disks. All of...
  • ... catching them, running away from them or organizing them into... dimensional virtual stereo images within see-through 3D shatter...
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... the spectator is in fact simply moving around in a blue box which is...
  • ... visitors respond by speaking or moving, the monitors will temporarily...
    ... Visitors are units of data, moving around the giant database (the... centrality of experience and away from the reification of the...
  • ... output consisted of projected images on the floor which depict...
  • ... be made of. As the IDcodes are moving away from us like a continuously... of the screen, the ground moves away like a long surface of fabric...
  • Telematic Vision -
    ... to the other location. The two images are mixed together, via a video...
  • ... conference. It includes images of luminous sea creatures taken...