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  • ... in an auto-generative mode, two linear videotapes, a set of sculptural elements, and...
  • Deep Contact -
    ... touch sensative screen. This interactive videodisc installation compares intimacy with...
  • Paranoid Mirror -
    ... both the viewer and/or other women in the videodisk sequences. In some instances, a switcher...
  • Traceability -
    ... book like animation from photographs/videotapes which is taken by participants of...
  • ... I am more and more interested". I offer videoimages which the subject is the Brazilian...
  • ... internal camera circuit travel generates videolaparoscopies of viscera, coming from a...
  • Grove
    ...This videoinstallation offers an artificial and hybrid grove with trunks which support television sets...
  • ... tanks are placed in the room, showing videos of laparoscopies (abdominal surgeries). The...
  • Tide Table -
    Videoarte (Film on DVD, 8 minutes)
  • Image To Paul Klee -
    ... time the movement of sand particles. The videographic inteference of these two images...