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  • The Tangible Video Browser provides a tactile and efficient interface for viewing digital videos. Tokens act as both containers for a set of videos and controllers for selecting a video and navigating within the video. Placing a token on the
  • Phoxel Space -
    Phoxel-Space is an interface to enable the exploration of voxel data through the use of physical models and materials. Our goal is to improve the means to intuitively navigate and understand complex 3-dimensional datasets. The system works by
  • Illuminating Clay -
    This interface allows users to explore and analyze free form spatial models. Using this platform we explore the domain of landscape design, where the relationship between form and computational simulations is of particular relevance. Landscape
  • The Supply Chain Visualization (SCVis) project provides a way for managers to physically construct and interact with models of how products flow between their business, thier suppliers and their customers. It lets managers use complex numerical
  • Sensetable -
    Sensetable is a system that wirelessly tracks the positions of multiple objects on a flat display surface quickly and accurately. The tracked objects have a digital state, which can be controlled by physically modifying them using dials or tokens.
  • This project is developing new means for querying relational databases and live datastreams through the manipulation of physical objects. Parameterized query fragments are embodied as physical tokens ("parameter wheels"). These tokens are
  • vessel
    Crockery design Stackable plates (project)
  • Actuated Workbench -
    The Actuated Workbench is a device that uses magnetic forces to move objects on a table in two dimensions. It is intended for use with existing tabletop tangible interfaces, providing an additional feedback loop for computer output, and helping to
  • Dolltalk -
    In order to give the child the impression that a character is listening to their stories, we have invented a clever mechanism that captures the motions and speech of a child using sensors and audio processing. Continuing in the vein of research on
  • CADcast -
    CADcast is a system for projecting instructions into 3-D workspaces. It supports users in constructing three dimensional structures with greater efficiency and more accuracy. The system also supports improved coordination between the design and