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  • Rara Avis -
    The work “Rara Avis” (1996) of Eduardo Kac consists of a large cage, in which thirty real birds (zebra finches) and a telerobot, which looks like a rare bird, take place. In the macaw’s eyes are installed two cameras with Charge-Coupled Devices
  • The work is an interactive media art installation incorporating "eye tracking input" technology. Structures of molecules are generated real-time according to the movements of the viewers eyes during their interaction. The viewer wears a pair of
  • Mediated Encounters -
    Mediated Encounters is an interactive robotic installation of four fish tanks designed to allow Siamese Fighting fish (Betta Splendons) to determine the movement of two grapevine sculptures. This piece allows normally aggressive fish to interact
  • sens:less -
    sense:less is a place for humans to experience a stranger alternate reality. Through VR technology and a custom made body suit sense:less puts the user in a multi-sensory environment. This is a dramatic space, influenced by theatre, and the
  • Watchers
    "Watchers" are ambient light sculptures concerned with the rhythmic nature of television light and how it is used to seduce and compel the viewer into a kind of hypnotic and passive inaction. Detection of movement has been at the core of our
  • Bio-Biblion is the library of life. There are medical books, personnal objects mixed whith eletronical screens. One slide image appears and disappears on the wall. Just like memories which come and go. And one bowl with blood moving in the middle of
  • 32. Canticle to the Sun IV, 1996 20" by 15"" Pen plotted drawing. In 1966 the artist painted a large eight-foot by four-foot wooden panel as a "Canticle to the Sun". That work, celebrating the sun, incorporated text from the sun canticle
  • Gallery view from outside. The artist's first robotic brush strokes were achieved in 1987. The strokes achieve spontaneous qualities using coded procedures. The software generates a brush form and requests a paint brush. The artist places a
  • ambientROOM -
    The ambientROOM is a Tangible Bits platform which explores the use of ambient media as a means of communicating information at the periphery of human perception. The ambientROOM allows users to be aware of background bits using ambient display media
  • mediaFlow -
    mediaFlow is the first project to interlink the multiple Tangible Bits platforms. mediaFlow uses Triangles to route the flow information such as activity on the transBOARD, metaDESK, or online sources to destinations like Ambient Fixtures, the