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  • ... text, a musical score, the A Hybrid Invention Generator like system functioning in an auto-generative mode, two linear videotapes, a set of sculptural elements, and variable lighting. 
  • Deep Contact -
    ... their own encounters in the vista of voyeurism by actually putting their hand on a touch sensative screen. This interactive videodisc installation compares intimacy with reproductive technology, and allows viewers to have adventures that change their sex,...
  • Paranoid Mirror -
    ... gold frame to activate, turn around, dissolve between sequences of reflection into both the viewer and/or other women in the videodisk sequences. In some instances, a switcher places the viewer's back into the frame, countering the direct reflection...
  • Traceability -
    ...We will try to find antennas for mobile phones in urban space ,map it and make flip book like animation from photographs/videotapes which is taken by participants of workshop in urban space. As a result, when we see the animation, we will feel virtual trip of urban...
  • ... in listening to. I am always less interested on the fixed relation between the parts. I am more and more interested". I offer videoimages which the subject is the Brazilian song "Águas de Março", by Tom Jobim. I cut the sequences and I present them...
  • ... landscapes using images of a scrutinezed body by technological medical devices. An internal camera circuit travel generates videolaparoscopies of viscera, coming from a surgery, that are projected on five large screens, creating a body’s living scenario. ...
  • ... in space. The images pass by like waves. In A CEIA (The Supper), two rusty iron tanks are placed in the room, showing videos of laparoscopies (abdominal surgeries). The images inside a body are soft and moist and change inside the metal containers,...
  • Grove
    ...This videoinstallation offers an artificial and hybrid grove with trunks which support television sets with images of tree trunks. These pieces of trees like life pieces contrast with the trunks images which turn on the screens. It provokes a relation between the...
  • Tide Table -
    Videoarte (Film on DVD, 8 minutes)
  • Image To Paul Klee -
    ... Electronic frequencies determine certain computer generated patterns and at the same time the movement of sand particles. The videographic inteference of these two images creates a poetic aspect akin to certain works of Paul Klee. (A. Hegedüs)