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  • ... Raum und bringen Gestalt und...
  • Visual Orchestra (2001, real-time interactive digital installation) Visual Orchestra is a real-time interactive digital installation piece that provides a platform for investigating the synthesis of musical rhythms with visual rhythms. The
  • ... built around the RSM Educational...
  • click on the base of the tree to write a message type a message in the text box click outside text box to store message in ribbon discard a message in the text box by clicking on the close button in the top left corner place ribbon on an empty
  • Level Head -
    ... door is found the character will...
  • The Artvertiser -
    The Artvertiser is an urban, hand-held Augmented Reality Improved Reality project that re-purposes street advertisements as a surface for exhibiting art. The project was initiated by Julian Oliver in February 2008 and is being developed in
  • max mip tex -
    ...d and I were playing around with running some...
  • Trapped rocket -
    Trapped Rocket futility and expectation in a Euclidean universe, 2006, 2008 Trapped Rocket is a 4.9Mb software involving a simple simulation of a guided missile, trapped between 3 pairs of opposing views (a cube) while trying to reach its
  • Packet Garden -
    Packet Garden captures information about how you use the internet and uses this stored information to grow a private world you can later explore. To do this, Packet Garden takes note of all the servers you visit, their geographical location and