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  • ... of colors. Further more, Karina transfers the aesthetic force of the instalation into the public space on a very large scale:...
  • ...A hybrid form of landscape cinema capturing the year of an unnamed hollow way that forms the stream bed for several springs in a remote area of...
  • ...y on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3 levels of images: Foreground-Matte-Background (Front-Back-Matte) The 3 levels of...
  • ... And Granulations / Dissected Walls / I Can Produce / Certain Forces/ And Be Placed Slantwise On/ The Surfaces Of / Stable-Definite...
  • ...Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited Genetic Digital Cartoon, 42...
  • ... performance is about "to read or to transmit" to my hand -in form of audio - fragments of the human genome. The idea is to...
  • ... presence of others —senses that we normally ignore or forget about in our mainly visually dominated world. In Haptic Field, up...
  • Sleeper -
    ... is a tapestry. Le Corbusier referred to it as a “portable form of mural”. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance these handwoven...
  • ... Encased in glass domes, the 3D prints show the structural formula of fructose, amylase, and polylactic acid (PLA), constituents...
  • ... endangered worlds as well as new worlds in gestation. “Al Grano: Formas de pensar mundos” is a gallery installation composed of 3...