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  • RainDance
    Streams of water, encoded with sound information, fall from specially designed modulating nozzles. When visitors position their umbrellas under the streams, the umbrellas become loudspeakers, revealing music, noises, voices and rhythms.
  • Dust
    In his new work, Dust, DeMarinis explores facial similarities, pairs of faces, and the abstraction of images into the dust. DeMarinis presents a fragment of this collection of likeness-pairs, scanned sequentially into the light-memory of
  • "Time to back-up?" stellt den sehr reduzierten zweiten Teil der Biennale-Arbeit "IO_lavoro immateriale" von Knowbotic Research dar, die aus zwei in eine graue Wand eingebauten Lautsprecherpaaren und einem CD-Brenner besteht. Man hört die von
  • In the search for new forms of urbanity the influence of media technologies on the perception of and on the engagement with social constructed spaces becomes evident. Under the conditions of telecommunication, digital networks, distributed
  • Eventmodul::anonymous.databody.muttering addresses the phenomenon of our digital identity. knowbotic research builds data bodies from the many personal traces we leave when using forms of digital communication. In this installation, visitors can
  • Mental imMigration is a collective networked environment which allows on a playful level experiental approaches to new forms of global teleworking. This work requires from teleworkers a mental, immaterial migration in another cultural logic. This
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal frameworks which inscribe and determine in mostly invisible layers our public fields of action. KR directs the attention away from the dominant layer of represen-tation
  • Animal Accessories -
    " Animal Accessories" * performance concerns 2 artists. Pepi Kelaidi sews with a surgical suture Yiannis Melanitis' cheek, extending the thread through the back of a little bird which has been attached on a plexiglass mask. The procedure
  • A male and a female body (Yiannis Melanitis, Marianna Ranis), are suspended 6m from the ground facing each other. An electronic device (a hexapod robot) is attached to the woman's belly pointing towards the abdomen of the male body with its
  • As an example which realizing has an abstract result, but its meaning is closely linked with the human body (the physicality of the body because of the gravity rules), is the work of Seiko Mikami, “gravicells - gravity and resistance” (2004),