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  • The installation was made specifically for the neo-Gothic Vleeshal in Middelburg and consisted of a computer graphics video projection onto a large screen at the far end of the room opposite the entrance. Infra-red sensors and seven pairs of blue
  • Heavens Gate as a video installation was first shown in the neoclassical stairwell of Felix Meritis. In other exhibition spaces the work usually occupies a specially constructed completely dark room. The video image is projected over the whole
  • In this interactive installation the visual and auditory components of the work were interconnected and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section was a speaker connected to
  • Circular-patterned digitizing of the viewers' movements was conjoined with the static recording of a large souvenir reproduction of the Eiffel Tower. The work uses the same image processing software originally developed for Video Narcissus
  • ... environment and virtual-reality apparatus. In the centre...
  • During Imagina '93 computer graphics installations in Monte Carlo and in Karlsruhe were connected by modem through a conventional telephone line. Facing large video screens, the two distant players each shared the same virtual image space.
  • Royal Road - video
    In 1993 a new videodisc-based version of Going to the Heart of the Centre of The Garden of Delights (1986) was made. No longer related to a particular architectural context, the viewer walks along a path marked by blue lights towards a large video
  • The projection environment of PLACE consists of a cylindrical projection screen and a rotating platform in the center that carries a wide-angle three-projector system fed by an SGI-Onyx computer. The distortion caused by the projection onto the
  • This new version of The Legible City (1989) encompasses all the experiences offered by the original version, but introduces an important new multi-user functionalty that to a large extent becomes its predominant feature. In the Distributed
  • Faced with the occasion to show Points of View 16 years after its creation, it became clear that the restitution of the original hardware and software would be much more difficult than simply reconstructing and reprogramming the complete work on a