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  • Spew -
    It´s a Simulation game that continues data from the real world.
  • Stairs -
    Video installation Series 'Bags' 24 bags are arranged in 4 horizontal rows, forming a staircase. From a frontal view, a rectangular spatial body is created by the identical shape of the bags (white rectangular form, handles). This object is leaning
  • STANDARDS AND DOUBLE STANDARDS is an interactive installation that consists of fifty fastened belts that are suspended at waist height from servo motors on the ceiling of the exhibition room. Controlled by a computerized tracking system, the belts
  • Stanze -
    "Stanze" is composed by a video-camera and a back-projected screen located in a void room. The camera is located at the top center of the screen. The observer has freedom to move around the room and several observers can interact with the artwork.
  • Starbright World -
    Starbright World was a pioneering online multi-user 3-D virtual world in which seriously ill children in hospitals across the United States could meet via a network to play with each other as avatars, build a part of the world themselves, discuss
  • Two fully functioning saunas are linked via the Internet, equipped with media streaming and interactive video tools. Though perhaps on different continents, the two saunas position their users in almost identical physical states, in a sense closer
  • Interactive acoustic sculpture and video Physical and virtual installation Act 14 of the "Mécanique des émotions" Still Moving is an experimental installation consisting of an interactive acoustic sculpture and a realtime video projection. The
  • A blue taffeta and black velvet party dress is displayed on a dressmaker's mannequin or 'Judy,' located next to a computer and several monitors of varying sizes. In large type, the stock ticker symbol and price which is being tracked,
  • Stolen Life -
    Two concepts have marked 21st century creation, the metaphysical consequence of which is obvious to everyone, despite their apparent differences. The first is the idea that it is the spectator who creates the picture and the second is that the
  • Study for a Mirror -
    The founding members of rAndom International: Hannes Koch (b. 1975, Germany), Florian Ortkrass (b. 1975, Germany) and Stuart Wood (b. 1980, UK) met while at Brunel University in 2002 and went on to study together at the Royal College of Art, London.