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  • Uncertain Space -
    ... Fellowship of the FCT (Fundação para... k in progress. Partially funded by a Sabbatical...
  • ... organizers are turned into swarms... Portrait on the Fly – Video Portraits ©2015,... everything can be saved. Torn...
  • ... Fallen 05:03 The Undoing Of Time...
  • ... fly portraits are drawn out on an... Portrait on the Fly – Plotter Drawings Plotter... relates to a fundamental problem of...
  • ... which are carried out... GARDEN CONCEPT In the context of the Regional... ‘ordinary‘ pathways. Melanitis‘ works on... of speech can be shifted beyond... allured from the... activities funded by the European...
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    ... He and David are sitting together... Tell Me the Truth had several... to brain cancer in 1986. The... image origins from two separate...
  • Skull v02
    ... image somewhat in order to more... 40-year career survey 1977-2020... created: 1994 The original version... imagery, I always thought this would... T-shirt as ‘canvas’. A black T-shirt... was created from the...
  • ... movie that are not closeups have... Carl Theodor Dreyer's 1928 'La Passion de... frame can be one of any in... the viewer from the narrative...
  • Shift
    ...Using the New Age idea of a 'dimensional shift'...
  • ... economy, what parameters... sequences are currently being... light attracts the viewer’s eye...