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  • The original story of the Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum was published in 1900 and was already widely read by the time of the release of the 1937 film of the same name. For most people, the film provides the dominant imagery of the story, and it is
  • "Perceptive Dislocations" was a performative event at the Goethe-Institute Island in Second Life. Cyberspace: The Final Frontier. Since 1994 with the advent of the World Wide Web, online virtual 3D worlds promised us endless freedom to be and do
  • FACT Centre -
    External lighting scheme During the early stages of the building design a concept for the external skin of the building was defined. As the building specification required predominantly ‘black-box’ spaces (cinemas/galleries), very few options were
  • The Image Mill is a public sculpture that uses the force and beauty of falling water as the energy to create a moving picture. As water falls over the giant wheel, a transmission assembly causes two disks to spin in opposite directions. On the
  • The 19th century Praxinoscope consisted of a circular beveled mirror reflecting a series of animation frames. When the device is spun, a moving image appears on the mirror. Using wind as the power and a structure that references the Eiffel Tower
  • The Dual is an optical illusion in which two disks rotate in opposite directions; the front disk is black with slits that act as a shutter, the rear disk contains the animation frames. When the disks spin, the animation is visible. In this artwork,
  • Brakelights is a real-time computer system that senses color changes in the environment to make choices from a database of dialogue lines…a live cinema-generating machine. The program reads the color levels in every pixel of every frame in real
  • The digital collages (3 shown here by Tamiko Thiel, and 3 others by Teresa Reuter/Sabe Wunsch) show scenographies of the Berlin Wall that are conceived as associative spaces of memories - by mixing temporal and geographical elements as well as
  • The Golden Seed is a single-channel video, a moving votive image that celebrates the cycles of fertility: birth, death, regeneration. In its installation form: A dark passage leads into the underworld. In a low cave, light streams from a votive
  • Sculptures -
    For us humans, who are limited in time and space, time is a one-dimensional affair. We can move only along one axis we define in co-ordinates of "past-present-future". (In this definition, "present" is the origin of our co-ordinate system, "past"