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  • This series of works made using photographic media explores the aesthetics of the double entendre and visual pun. A series of photographic prints on linen included: A tablecloth printed with a picture of a place setting after the meal has been eaten
  • This was a performance installation at De Lantaren theatre in Rotterdam. When entering the theatre, members of the audience looked through an augmented-reality projection console, where they saw an animated computer-generated image of a swing that
  • This interactive installation was first shown at the Bonnefanten Museum, in Maastricht, where its apparatus was a CRT monitor and a custom-designed joystick. For this work the authors researched the conceptual and aesthetic paradigms of the Legible
  • Word Play
    Word Play is a permanent installation in the Stadstheater - the main theater in Arnhem, which stages both the classics and contemporary theatre. Word Play is constructed of two LED text displays that are mounted on rails and motorized so they move
  • This project was a conceptual plan made as a contribution to the exhibition Seamless Media. It describes a networked installation that develops the technological and aesthetic strategies first explored in Televirtual Chit Chat (1993) and
  • ZKM Aussenkenung are a group of five outdoor LED displays that together constitute the signage for the ZKM Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe. The contents of these displays are all freely programmable. 1 and 2. A tall column stands on the main
  • PlaceWorld is an embodiment of a physical electronic landscape (eSCAPE) that explores the potentialities of a new interaction paradigm: augmented virtuality. It was developed as an eSCAPE demonstrator in partnership with the European ESPRIT i3
  • Conversations offers viewers an immersive, multimodal, interactive narrative experience exploring the events leading up to the escape, recapture, trial and hanging of Ronald Ryan at Pentridge Prison, Melbourne, in 1967; Ryan was the last person
  • Conversations@the Studio presents a natural navigation of a real-world situation—a contemporary glass craftsman’s studio. By displaying a 360-degree global video recording, made on location at the glass blowing studio, it provides the tele-present
  • The WILD Panoramic Navigator is a novel, interactive augmented-reality multimedia information terminal derived from the original Panoramic Navigator (1997). It provides a means for the general public to intuitively and interactively orient