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  • ... operandi of cognitive capitalism, which in turn... be implemented to execute a computer programme.... the hollow pipes. Their appearance recalls the "mud...
  • ... web that serves as the captivating projection screen for...
    ... We see landscapes or abstract figures set into... reality and making it appear like a projection. The...
  • ... student competitions capture the evolving media art... media art began with the approval of an initial 5-year...
  • ... but allow mutual appreciation, that do not allow...
  • ...hallenges of the infirmity of landscapes in the sense of affective... by the technological apparatus and affective...
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ...In the center of the landscape, a lake (eye of the earth) is the... causes the figures approximation in several levels,...
  • ... the MCTI CNPq and MEC/CAPES, and that through this MinC... beyond the art of appearance and representation...
  • ... with sensors capable of measuring body... had in the executing team with activities of:... The technological apparatus foreseen for the...
  • ... possible by physically approaching one of the musicians....