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  • RainDance
    Streams of water, encoded with sound information, fall from specially designed modulating nozzles. When visitors position their umbrellas under the streams, the umbrellas become loudspeakers, revealing music, noises, voices and rhythms.
  • Dust
    ... akin to the latent image of photographic film or the veil of memory. Unlike photographic film, though, the image starts to distort. Propelled by low frequency sound vibrations, the powder starts to flow and dance, first distorting the faces and...
  • "Time to back-up?" stellt den sehr reduzierten zweiten Teil der Biennale-Arbeit "IO_lavoro immateriale" von Knowbotic Research dar, die aus zwei in eine graue Wand eingebauten Lautsprecherpaaren und einem CD-Brenner besteht. Man hört die von
  • ... theorists the specific cultural and political interrelationships of city, work, public sphere and electronic networks. Starting from local workshops (software concepts, theoretical constructions, urban readings) the interdisciplinary participants...
  • Crack it !
    ... the computer magazine PC Online offered to readers in issue 10/2000, followed by precise instructions on how to take part in the boldly announced scheme: 'The CD supplied with this issue contains the brute force attack software you need to...
  • ... we leave when using forms of digital communication. In this installation, visitors can activate the databodies of several ART Basel -participants, while these data streams in turn trigger acoustic and optical signals, and thus provide a spacial...
  • ... physical travel. The already existing physical working and living situation of a worker stay the same , but the immaterial part of the work (the service) is transferred in another cultural context. (i.e Call Centers of global enterprises: service workers in...
  • ... Debt Coalition and COSATU that are engaged in critical global activities in the networked society. This list also includes artistic media activists and international media artists. Through a virtual slot machine (part of the Public Domain Scanner),...
  • Knowbotic Research investigates in the context of the "war of terror" legal frameworks which inscribe and determine in mostly invisible layers our public fields of action. KR directs the attention away from the dominant layer of represen-tation
  • Animal Accessories -
    ..." Animal Accessories" * performance concerns 2 artists. Pepi Kelaidi sews with a surgical suture Yiannis Melanitis' cheek, extending the thread through the back of a little bird which has been attached on a plexiglass mask. The procedure occurs through a...