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  • Syracuse Tree -
    In this piece, while observing the effects of new technology, Olga Kisseleva has singled out the conditioning of behaviour at the heart of complex systems on the local as well as the global scale. Her interventions, which are strictly related to
  • The Sentient Thespian -
    Sentient Thesbian is a theatrical movie about 2 robots.
  • Plane -
    Three destinations host this performance, which consists of producing the same “micro-action” of throwing a paper plane. A video relates the stages of these initiation voyages to a Stalin- era building in Moscow, to the Grand Canyon in Arizona and
  • Hyper Real -
    For her new series “Hyper Reality” Olga Kisseleva has photographed food items stolen by consumers in a supermarket and reconstructed them as still lives. Each photo allows one to paint a portrait. Olga Kisseleva’s historical references are situated
  • Roaming -
    This experimentation starts from appropriation of small chips present inside those mobile phone charms that light up when a call comes in. In a panel, light is literally launched to the invisible radiation that comes from the mobiles and invades our
  • Rectilinear Displacement positions the viewer in an extended mechanical linear motion - of up to 40 metres - through an exhibition space. At the same time, the user is visually immersed in a virtual space that is projected on a spherical screen. The
  • 15 Minutes of Biometric Fame not only highlights paradoxes associated with celebrity recognition within the entertainment industry and instant fame received through various Web 2.0 applications, but it playfully discredits the reliability of
  • Exercise in Immersion 4 is an ‘art-game’ devised by the Rotterdam media-artist, Marnix de Nijs and further developed in collaboration with V2_lab. His presentation at Deaf 07 saw the 'first public participation trials". Further software refinement
  • Beijing Accelerator -
    Beijing Accelerator was created after being inspired by a recent visit to Beijing, and the realization of how quickly the dynamics of a city could transform into such apparent modernism. Although similar to an earlier prototype, Panoramic
    Based on her continuous research on counterfactual thinking, media artist Elke Reinhuber explores how to present a narrative in a multi-linear manner by fragmenting and dissecting it for the audience. Venomenon was shot in stereo 3D, completely on