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  • Timetable
    ...In Timetable, an image is projected from above onto a large circular table. Twelve dials are positioned around the perimeter of the table. The... and so on. A real-time 3D scene, projected onto the central part of the table, is controlled and influenced by the movements of the...
  • Lightpools
    ... lightpool at a sufficient intensity, the polygon grows and metamorphizes into an articulated object. In effect, the object feeds... intensity, the polygon grows and metamorphizes into an articulated object. In effect, the object feeds on light. The objects...
  • Faraday's Garden -
    ...In Faraday's Garden, participants walk through a landscape of innumerable household and office appliances, power tools, projectors,...
  • ... in the center of the room, eight meters in diameter. Each article of furniture is mounted on ball-bearing casters, so that,...
  • ...Cathartic User Interface 1.0 and 2.0 (CUI) are interactive, multi-participant installations that allow users to quickly and effectively work...
  • Workaholic
    ... eight pneumatic air-guns, disguised as ordinary hair dryers. Participants can influence the pendulum's path over the bar code...
  • ... constantly reconfigured (somewhat like a cocktail party or an art opening). As visitors enter, sensors track their movements,...
  • ... user, exist as semi-autonomous agents that are only partially under the control of their human collaborators. Each guest...
  • ... The installed "genome library": the long and narrow strip of metal of the TT-turing tuning emphasizes the linear arrangement of the... optimization: Any evolution is teleological, also this artificial, computer-aided one. The machine compiles sequentially...