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  • ArtFem.TV
    ArtFem.TV is an online television programming presenting Art and Feminism. The aim of ArtFem.TV is to foster Women in the Arts, their art works and projects, to create an international online television screen for the creativity, images and voices
  • An Ascent
    video, 7,08’ By mixing colourful abstract light patterns and fragments of figurative reality the video aims to visualize a kind of inner psychological landscape, where words, thoughts, memories, emotions and desires combine and coexist in a highly
  • Transcendence Index -
    The installation consists of the following 2 parts: – a software program which analyzes texts of two periods (1900-1917 and 2000-2017) in order to calculate the index of their transcendence; – a robotic device which cooks 2 borschts (borscht is a
  • Nebulae
    acryl, pastel and marker on paperdim: 68 x 88 cm (each), series (6) Reminiscent of clouds of interstellar dust and ionized gases, this series of drawings is technically based on abstract templates derived from microscopic recordings. Thus, the
  • UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY BILL SEAMAN: SUSPENDED SENTENCE May 24 – September 13, 2018 MAY 24 – SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 OPENING RECEPTION: THURSDAY, MAY 24, 6-8 PM, ARTIST TALK 6:30 PM Site-specific distributed poem with video and audio component inspired
  • Duke Performances, Durham, 2018 - world premiere A bold new opera developed at Duke University that uses the high-drama framework of opera and advanced technology to explore ideas of apocalypse, renewal, and survival in the modern age. During each
  • f_(noir) Solo CD Eilean Records - 2015 Shadow Detail 06:36 Ending (part 1) 06:34 Another Day 06:11 Ending (part 2) 05:28 A History of Silence 03:33 A Dark Thought 04:45 Ending (part 3) 05:22 Having Fallen 05:03 The Undoing Of Time 05:58 Endgame
  • The 'Engine of Engines' is a generative sound & video installation that responds in real-time to network traffic in the local environment. In the Hong Kong debut (see video), sixteen self-contained nodes, each composed of a screen, processing-unit,
  • The Hybrid Invention Generator (2001) is a work that explores a "machinic genetics." Users of the system can scroll through a series of inventions, choose two different inventions and generate the visualization of a hybrid invention. An underlying
  • Homo Insectus an interactive installation Developed for the Ullens Foundation © 2020, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER Insects are an essential element of the biosphere. However, due to pollution and the widespread use of chemicals, many insect