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  • ... " beyond the mirror room turn next corner with the hope to find unexpected wonders ” ...
  • Love Brid -
    Love Brid is one of three short films commissioned by Animate Projects as part of Sea Change. It is an animated postcard, a loving tribute to the timeless charms of the seaside, and a colourful rollercoaster ride through the coastal town of
  • Data Arcade -
    Data Arcade contains three games: Stock Invaders, Pipe Mania and Oil Kong. They are derived from famous existing games. Nideffer adds political and economic issues.
  • Spew -
    It´s a Simulation game that continues data from the real world.
  • Where are you from?_Stories / Version 09 Date: 2009 Materials: interactive media installation. Measurements: variable (black box) Other information: Group exhibition held at: Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 8th –
  • Camerin Obscura -
    *Camerin Obscura* is a hand made Camera Obscura - an ancient tool for visualization - that integrates a basic artificial vision system and a sound server looking for an unusual experience integrating image, audio and computation. From a cultural
  • INsideOUT -
    This performance is about the materialization of the performer’s thoughts and feelings on the stage. In the performance, imagination becomes spatial. The stage is a place for the appearance of the invisible. Yasu Ohashi says: “the actors aim at our
  • ” … Il semble que l’être volant dépasse l’atmosphère même où il vole. ” *** (It seems that the flying being exceeds even the atmosphere where he flies.) -Nuit Bleue- is the first ‘logbook’ of the TRAVELOG series : An assemblage of travels, of
  • Lagoogleglyph (2009) is a distributed, global artwork that inscribes lagoglyphs into the environment and makes them visible to the world. In its first manifestation Lagoogleglyph consists of a pixelated lagoglyph, referencing a rabbit head,
  • Plot Against Time #3 (Insect Sonata (after Scriabin)), a single channel video, draws out the trajectories of insects in the my shady garden as they pass through beams of sunlight on a rare windless day in spring. The work's subtitle refers to early