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  • ... the bodily image on the left, clearly referring the identity and meaning of “Eve Clone”. The acrylic plate is applied as a media. The...
  • Geomart-ut24 -
    ... turn into complex structures in a world of perception where meaning takes its breath away from expression. I wish to make visible...
  • ... them personal hieroglyphics. 210 graphemes that don´t carry meaning by themselves. One grapheme is not an "A" or a "B" but anything...
  • Syracuse Tree -
    ... context, are anchored in a principle of vigilance and critical meaning. Within the framework of a public art work made for the Lycee...
  • Semantic Map -
    ... and practices. By differentiating and becoming co-producers of meaning, viewers can actively engage with content and uncover new...
  • Tree of Knowledge -
    ... same object made of wood, stone or steel can have a different meaning, and can drive a different response in the beholder. When...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... of our individual thought. Each instance of media use has a meaning force that delicately shapes understanding through an ongoing...
  • ...As an example which realizing has an abstract result, but its meaning is closely linked with the human body (the physicality of the body because...
  • Room for Manoeuvre -
    ... series of hypothetical scenarios. The exhibition explores the meaning of codes and actions in public spaces. It proposes...
  • I-Camera -
    ... photos quickly in spatial representations with quantitative meaning. For example, material science researchers take...