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  • ... by zooming in on and rotating Sakamoto's image on the... by zooming in on and rotating Sakamoto's image on the...
  • Golem -
    ... van Beuningen, D.ARTS88, Rotterdam, Holland 1988 Exhibited... van Beuningen, D.ARTS88, Rotterdam, Holland 1988 Exhibited...
  • ... and the United|Dislokations|Kartell (U|D|K) used the unique physics...
  • Recollections I-IV -
    ... Simultaneously the colors are "rotated", creating an animation in "real... Simultaneously the colors are "rotated", creating an animation in "real...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... audio feed from the streets of Rotterdam. The last words they hear are... audio feed from the streets of Rotterdam. The last words they hear are...
  • Telecommunications event between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo uniting fax and live TV, 1988. Connecting the public medium of television with the private medium of the fax this work created a system of feedback based on the continuous exchange and
  • ... to CIRTES (Centre Français de prototypage rapide, Claude Barlier), which... to CIRTES (Centre Français de prototypage rapide, Claude Barlier), which...
  • ... screen automatically. The hands rotate along their forearm axis,... screen automatically. The hands rotate along their forearm axis,...
  • ... the network configuration. By rotating the pucks, users can change... the network configuration. By rotating the pucks, users can change...
  • ... and depressing, releasing, and rotating the token controls the... and depressing, releasing, and rotating the token controls the...