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  • ... They display the effects of random data flow and plant interaction....
  • ... allows to read emotions out of random peoples faces. The faces are...
  • conscious love -
    ... communication, experience); a random sound collage of fragments of...
  • ... is as necessary a skill as reading is for the grasp of literature.... Each of these selected randomly from a database of birthdays....
  • Suite For Mobile Tags -
    ... which proposes an exercise of random and anonymous collective musical...
  • Microphone -
    ... they reproduce a recording at random from up to 600,000 that each...
  • Data Murmur - video
    ... Franco "Bifo" Berardi recites a random poem of HTML code twice. First...
  • Surface Tension -
    ... This work was inspired by a reading of Georges Bataille’s text The...
  • Demonstrate -
    ... the 40th Anniversary of the Free Speech Movement attracted over...
  • Radius
    Commissioned by Candy & Candy for Home House, London / UK ‘Radius’ is a sound-reactive media installation that plays with the light emitted by spatial arrays of light sources. Where a commonly flat arrangement of LEDs would be conceived as a