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  • ...Riding the Net presents a novel approach to browsing the Internet in a more intuitive, playful and entertaining fashion. While two users talk...
  • Digital Body-Automata -
    ... choices are made from Western, Eastern or alternative medical presentations. In Interskin, I suggest that alternative ways of seeing...
  • ...The installation "Another Day in Paradise" was composed of three preserved trees: surveillance, video and touchscreen trees. The equipment not...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... the participant is invited to construct a virtual body out of predefined body-parts, textures, and sounds, and gain membership to...
  • n0time -
    ... are built on information exchange and where physical presence is not necessary? "Notime" develops ways in which...
  • Fugitive -
    ... environments and spatial applications reduce the physical presence of the user to one (or a small number) of points. Rather than...
  • Sympathetic Sentience -
    ... 'channels' in which there is recognisable, but not predictable, patterning. The visitor can interrupt this chain of...
  • ... and information medium. Today information on the Internet is presented in a standard fashion, as defined by the currently available...
  • ... Currently, the system is off-line. However, we have preserved the user interface and have archived the last images from...
  • Legal Tender -
    ... telerobotic laboratory. Visitors to were presented with a pair of US$100 bills, one real the other counterfeit....