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  • Telematic Encounter -
    ... a 45 degree angle to the table from the ceiling, sends a live image of a person sitting at the table to the second installation...
  • ... embedded in organic resin. The relationship between the video image and the screen are key to the piece. The organic screens are...
  • ... When the viewer hits the punching ball, the dynamics of the image create the illusion that the impact changes the image/the world...
  • Springside Cynthesis -
    ... 2000 Victor: This is a portrait of Cynthia De Moss. The source image for this came from our first photo shoot together which took...
  • Hidden -
    ... In the photographic series Hidden, gore and zoophile images have been randomly integrated into the censored image. But...
  • Refraction
    ..."Refraction" explores the cinematic narrative of the photographic image in a non-electronic form, the lenticular medium, a process in which two...
  • ...A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite une succession régulière de plans très...
  • ... through a 150-image panorama with text superimposed over the image. The participant can navigate spatially by moving over the...
  • ... dim: 200 x 135 cm The hanging objects present microscopic image of a carbon substance (up) and its digital mapping...
  • ... system is able to sort over 2000 balls and create images by choosing the relevant positions of either the dark-blue or...