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  • wi-fi sm -
    After the the guerilla-marketing campaign for WiFi-SM was launched at the Tirana Bienniale of Contemporary Art in 2003, the real product was shown for the first time at galerie Sollertis in January 2006: the WiFi-SM patch is now for real You
  • ...In 1977 Marga Adama, John Munsey and Jeffrey Shaw established Javaphile...
  • The Messenger is an Internet driven installation based on early proposals for the electrical telegraph, in particular those made by the Catalan scientist Francesc Salvá. It examines the metaphors encoded within technology, especially lost or
  • Text Trends -
    Text Trends deals with the spectacularization of information. Using Google data it explores the vast search data of its users. The animation takes the content generated by search queries and reduces this process to its essential elements: search
  • Tessel -
    ... Charles Radin and John Conway, which allows the creation...
  • This interactive video installation is a collaboration between myself and Camille Turner. This mediawork is an exploration of the sex, beauty and racial myths which are encountered by a young black Canadian woman and the various conflicting message
  • ... during "cell extractions." John Perotti, writing after having...
  • CrossWorlds -
    For me, as an artist working with software CONSPIRE is first about encoding. As an ex-soviet, I perceive CONSPIRE in the same time like a dissident’s practice (an other way of encoding!) and like a monitoring following by manipulation – all kind of
  • ... Nazareth The King Of The Jews” (John 19:19–20). Chinese, English, and...
  • ... Mahmoud Tarik, Esam Abdelhamid, John Verlenden, Robert Williams, Hassan...