Archive Search

  • Tunnel -
    ... give access to the walls. It is dark and free of images. The architecture of Tunnel...
  • The Art Collider -
    ... and communication systems fosters the free circulation and the diversification of...
  • ... LEDs are vertically suspended from thin, free-floating wires and weight down by small...
  • Landscape One -
    ... If the virtual characters appear free to come and go in the garden, real visitors...
  • ... a huge cube, in which the camera is free to move in any direction the viewer chooses....
  • Fugitive -
    ... The output of the system is completely free of textual, iconic, or mouse/buttons/menus...
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    ... order to see the image. Although you are free to determine the speed of the belt, only if...
  • NYC 1983-85 -
    ... intact and platonic is a metaphor for the free-flow of thought forms or multi-valent chat –... from Acevedo in Context, 40-year career survey 1977-2020 with contributing author...
  • freequent traveller -
    ... - stories instead of objects - moving free of weight - relax everywhere". Travel is the...
  • wi-fi sm -
    ... it is structured and regulated: free association emerges from the subversion of...