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  • Tree of Knowledge -
    ... same object made of wood, stone or steel can have a different meaning, and can drive a different response in the beholder. When...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... it necessarily changes in nature as well, undergoes a metamorphosis. Unlike a structure, which is defined by a set of points... of our individual thought. Each instance of media use has a meaning force that delicately shapes understanding through an ongoing...
  • ...As an example which realizing has an abstract result, but its meaning is closely linked with the human body (the physicality of the body because...
  • Room for Manoeuvre -
    ... series of hypothetical scenarios. The exhibition explores the meaning of codes and actions in public spaces. It proposes...
  • I-Camera -
    ... photos quickly in spatial representations with quantitative meaning. For example, material science researchers take...
  • ... Jack Kerouac’s portrait of the search for personal meaning during the Cold War. Legrady was 20 when he went on his 1 year...
  • ... Viewed from a certain angle, it reveals the French word “MOI“ [meaning “me”, or "myself"]; from another point of view one sees a human...
  • Purification -
    ... beginning, which is a good chance for pondering upon the meaning of peacefulness and desire-less-ness.
  • ... poems offer new optics and an infinite number of interpretations of these poems, and of the man. © Jeffrey Shaw reconstruct his original oeuvre, creating renewed vectors of meaning. Using a 360-degree 3-D theatre (AVIE), visitors engage with...
  • Palo Alto -
    ... or wait idle for the viewer to approach before spewing details of potential utopias. Large and small insects crawl across the... the computer acts as an unconscious force subjecting the meaning of our human society to a new techno-order. In this space, a...