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  • Golem -
    ... an open book. The imagery was derived from medieval illuminated books...
  • Recombinant Icon -
    ... critically address the icon, an essential element in most graphical...
  • ... of Minoan Crete, and the derivative mystery schools of Ancient...
  • NANO Mandala -
    ... a meditative soundscape derived from sounds recorded during the...
  • ... other words, the sculpture is derived from the molecular procedure...
  • ... dialogue which constitutes, in essence, the "drawing" alluded to in... or external wires, she considers the piece a discrete art object,...
  • London Dig
    ... displayed on the screens derives from numerous bird's eye views...
  • Sonicity -
    ... of Sonicity by Stanza. This is essentially what is seen in the... A custom made MAX/MSP motereader and sound synthesis engine in Max...
  • circulation -
    ... based on a list of keywords derived from thousands of video...
  • ... From 2D sequences of patterns derived from hard drive errors and...