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  • ... approaches to new forms of global teleworking. This work requires from teleworkers a mental, immaterial migration in another cultural logic. This does not imply a traditional concept of migration, i.e. the physical leaving of a "home" caused by political...
  • ... into their logics. While minds of concern :: breaking news was intervening into the security politics of a networked culture, naked bandit/here, not here/white sovereign focuses on the mechanisms of detainment of so-called 'unlawful enemy...
  • ... Sueddeutsche Zeitung, in public space over a period of four weeks. In front of the entrance to the House of Literature, a cultural institute in Munich, an audio-visual stream of words flows across the square. Artificial voices read out individual terms,...
  • ... artist working in the field of interactive computer installation. She currently holds positions as Professor for Interface Culture at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria and at the IAMAS International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences in...
  • Nano -
    ... public and runs through September 6, 2004. The exhibition seeks to provide a greater understanding of how art, science, culture and technology influence each other. Modular, experiential spaces using embedded computing technologies engage all of the...
  • Cross Currents -
    ... involving genocide, rape camps and sexual slavery are in many ways defining symbols of a war which consciously used sex as a cultural and military weapon. While Pietà and Motel Vilina Vlas respectively investigate the genocide and rape camps directly...
  • ...This study presents an evolutionary system which generates images representing myths of human culture as synthetic identities. The myths are described by categorized terms and combined by genetic algorithms producing new individuals. Objects are rendered to represent...
  • RGB VW -
    ... to a particular location, a disused automobile factory in Karlsruhe. Such a space is clearly significative of industrial culture. But we are now shifting towards a more immaterial fascination - the media technologies with their flow of binary codes and...
  • wordotcomnodot -
    ... e o desenvolvimento de conteúdos com hipertexto, e um fórum aberto ao público sobre o impacto da produção eletrônica na cultura impressa. Site comissionado plo SESC-SP
  • egoscope -
    ... of the interface into the message, exploring the context of confusion between art, advertising, and information that digital culture promotes. It involved collective actions in public media spaces, allowing anyone to send, through the egoscope web site,...