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... Joachim Sauter and many others at ART + COM.... have a computer in their home. It was a rather futuristic...
... the time of the performance and as memories. No physical... participant will take home certain memories with them...
... the time of the performance and as memories. No physical... participant will take home certain memories with them...
... Hamster Toys, originally manufactured by the Gemmy... activity outside it’s home (the gallery viewers). The...
... streaming lab and broadcast live to the lecture theaters... of teaching on home territory and is the first...
... Migrating Reality, (Germany) During the first 26... and emotion, it’s always a record of sequential events:... been printed in the At Home in Europe publication,...
... then you will be cast abruptly backwards in the... results in the manipulation of the existing... player to navigate their way through, not only the...
... interplay with the human body and identity. and are affected by the ways others see us and the ways... into the consumer's home, targeted with an almost...
... plunged in a death-blue cast that enhances its sculptural... prepares for a performance in front of the spectator.... have not only paved the way for a rhizomatically...
... INCUBATOR serves many practical functions: as... aesthetics, as a home base for a series of...