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  • Sakrileg -
    ... down. Two light barriers are detecting if the ball comes to...
  • sens:less -
    ... images of the virtual world are projected onto the eggs walls and...
  • ... 'Planets and Beyond' area at the GSC: - Discover the...
  • ... projection, a temporal arena with surround sound. This system...
  • ... easy web attachment. Blue LED's are designed to attract insects into...
  • ... characters: digital pictures are fluid. If the person stops moving,...
  • ... is the library of life. There are medical books, personal items,...
  • Lightpools
    ... It takes place in a circular arena approximately six meters in... other users, and the cycle continues From these interactions...
  • Crack it !
    ... password-protected area and occupy it with new content -...
  • Nano -
    ... various components of "nano" are designed to immerse the visitor in...