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  • Woolford: Cyber Sex. -
    ... archaic piece of extreme media and meanwhile a classic. (
  • cyberSM -
    ... to more closely model inter-human communication, it creates a new form of interaction. Throughout the cyberSM connection,...
  • ... in the Muczarnok Budapest, Amsterdam and other places. (
  • ...Speakeasy is a telephone service that connects new immigrants with bilingual community members who are familiar with local resources and social...
  • ... where images and objects co-exist in an imaginary space. (
  • Off-Sense -
    ... then two can enter the another avatar(!). Two would be in a new spherical space for intimate contact. Other additional... Off-Sense is an extended version of Nuzzle Afar. Both challenges to design a cyberspace as a meeting place. It stands completely opposite...
  • ... (called Public Domain Scanner) and a free downloadable news ticker. Through the Web interface: the Public Domain Scanner,...
  • ... into their logics. While minds of concern :: breaking news was intervening into the security politics of a networked...
  • ... the ordinary into something extraordinary. The daily newspaper becomes a poetic audio-visual field of keywords flowing...
  • Pentimento - video
    ... systems within the installation. The project explores a news report detailing the discovery of an unidentified body in...