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  • Latent State - video
    This project was developed during 2009 as part of my MFA thesis at the Design Media Arts department at UCLA. It consisted in the creation of a live cinema piece using a number of resources for real-time AV performance and a combination of digital
  • Audience -
    In February 2010, rAndom went to the US to install the first copy of the Audience edition for a private collection. The installation is laid out on a long stretch of a custom designed plywood floor. For the first time it was possible to install it
  • ... custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 2000 This is a surrealist portrait...
  • ... custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 2006 - 2018 Victor: This is the 3rd...
  • Portrait on the Fly - Digital Prints Portrait Series © 2015, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa Sommerer A single photography of a real fly is used as printed dots to represent the portrait of media artists, writers and curators we encountered physically
  • Preliminary documentation of "Through the Vanishing Point" by David Rokeby and Lewis Kaye. The exhibition was presented at the University of Toronto’s McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology (commonly known as the Coach House) for the
  • spectra -
    date | place MAY 4 - JUN 20, 2001 Mica Moca, Milan, IT concept, composition: Ryoji Ikeda ...
  • Kidnap -
    ... two ‘winners’ at random. On a chosen date, the performers then abducted their ‘victims’....
  • AL GRANO: Augmented Cereals is an art, science and technology installation in public space. This is an Augmented Reality work in which consumers interact with the work via smartphone in a supermarket breakfast cereal aisle, using an Augmented
  • Self&Other -
    Self&Other (2015 in progress) An in progress Robot performance, by Roc Parés & Martí Sánchez-Fibla, featuring two NAO anthropomorphic Robots. The scene is organized around an empty mirror frame, with one robot on each side. The two identical robots